Well, It is official, I have successfully completed the curriculum and testing process required, and now I am a newly minted, and freshly MSF Certified Rider Coach. During this process I have found through the repetition of practicing each and every exercise over and over while attempting to perfect demonstration rides, just how important the building of each skill is upon the other. The BRC (Basic Rider Course) is such a great way to get the basic core skills you need to successfully operate a motorcycle, and set the cornerstone to build upon with further education, I cannot recommend it enough to new riders. I am looking forward to teaching my first class this summer, and continuing to grow as a coach and bring the joy of riding to others. This is going to be a great experience! See you all on the range!

Congrats!! I wish we had something like this in my neck of the woods. As it stands I can't even volunteer for motorcycle training instructor courses because you have to be sponsored by an actual driving school. My only possible option is to open up my own motorcycle riding school, which is something I am considering for the future. Anyways, well done! I am envious!